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May 31, 2004

PressThink Passes The Quarter Million Mark

Since September, 2003 there have been 250,000 officially recorded visits at PressThink. Plus, some other significant markers in the life of a weblog.

Some time today, PressThink will pass 250,000 recorded visits since it began in September, 2003. That’s worth at least some notice, and a word of thanks to all who have felt it worthwhile to check in here. So thanks, all PressThink readers. If you didn’t exist, I wouldn’t be doing this.

A note of gratitude to my top referers. In no special order they are: Dave Weinberger (Joho the Blog); Dan Gillmor, Andrew Cline (Rhetorica); Jim Romensko; Glenn Reynolds (Instapundit); Dave Winer (Scripting News);; Jeff Jarvis (Buzzmachine); Doc Searls; Ed Cone; Eric Alterman (Altercation); Roger Karraker (Hellsheet); Matt Welch; Mark Glaser; Tim Porter (First Draft); Bob Stepno; Terry Heaton (Pomo Blog) Tom Mangan (Prints the Chaff, now deceased); twistedchick; Design Observer; weblogg-ed; Siva Vaidhyanathan (Sivacracy); J.D. Lassica (New Media Musings); Roger L. Simon; Lost Remote; Jordon Cooper; Halley Suitt (Halley’s Comment); Jay McCarthy (Makeoutcity); Mary Hodder (Napsterization); Seth Finkelstein (InfoThought) Lance Knobel (Davos Newbies); Len Witt (PJ Net Today); Cable Newser and others I no doubt neglected to mention.

Here are a few other highlights:

Most linked to and most cited post: What’s Radical About the Weblog Form in Journalism.

Most well-trafficked posts (by number of hits):

Most bitterly criticized post: The President’s Secret Flight to Baghdad.

Posts drawing the most comments: The President’s Secret Flight to Baghdad (130); and BloggerCon: Discussion Notes for, “What is Journalism? And What Can Weblogs Do About It?” (121)

Most Googled post: The Other Bias at Fox News: Volume. (See this search.)

Most roundly misunderstood post: Brain Food for BloggerCon: Journalism and Weblogging in Their Corrected Fullness.

Post with the most staying power: PressThink Basics: The Master Narrative in Journalism.

Most consequential post (widest ripple effects): Adopt a Campaign Journalist in 2004: The Drift of a Suggestion.

Angriest posts: Die, Strategy News and A Politics that is Dumber than Spam, plus Why Karen Ryan Deserved What She Got.

Most spiritual posts: Thoughts on the Killing of a Young Correspondent and Neil Postman (1931-2003): Some Recollections.

Posts with the best discussion thread in comments: BloggerCon: Discussion Notes for, “What is Journalism?” and What’s Radical About the Weblog Form in Journalism.

Most original post (in author’s opinion): Unbuilding at Ground Zero and Rebuilding in Iraq.

Post most likely to praise journalists: Off the Grid Journalism.

Author’s personal favorites among PressThink posts:

Posted by Jay Rosen at May 31, 2004 5:34 PM