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April 25, 2005
Mood of the Newsroom: Letters from Three JournalistsDaniel Conover, a newsroom veteran, and Scott Heiser, a collegiate journalist, ask Tim Porter if he knows what he's saying. Bill Grueskin of the Wall Street Journal responds to Ethan Zuckerman's "Bloggiest Newspaper."Three has become four with the addition of Steve Lovelady’s letter, plus a reply from Ethan Zuckerman in the “After…” section. Letter One: “In any revolution, one hopes for an outcome like the one Vaclav Havel wrought in the Czech Republic, but one is at least as likely to wind up with Robespierre.” —Daniel Conover Daniel Conover introduces himself, “I was the city editor of a metro daily at 35, begged off the job at 40. These days I’m a mild-mannered features writer for a southern metro daily. I spend much of my time writing about science. I created my first website in 1994, started blogging in 2003.” Conover, a PressThink reader and able commenter, spent the weekend wrestling with Tim Porter’s The Mood of the Newsroom, which Jeff Jarvis said was Porter’s greatest post. (And I agree; see Tim Porter Lets Out a Roar.) But unlike me, or Porter, or Jarvis, Conover is working today in a mainstream USA newsroom (The Post-Courier in Charleston, SC, but he doesn’t speak for them.) The sound of revolutionaries outside the institution they would revolutionize causes him to wonder:
How did defenders of journalism in the newsroom become the defensive newsroom—a construct of critics—is a very good question. About the old newsroom, a hulking beast, he advises: don’t wound it unless you intend to kill it and start over. Wounded, it will be worse. Here is the rest of Conover’s simmering reply at First Draft. Used by permission, and edited very slightly:
Tim: I spent most of the weekend trying to sort out my response to this post, and I still don’t know that I’ve reached clarity on it. It is clearly rife with uncomfortable truths for me. Tim Porter has a reply to Daniel Conover and others up. (“I’ve written more than 400 posts to First Draft and few have elicited more response than Mood of the Newsroom.”) There are responses worth sampling, so check out First Draft. Letter Two: “What am I, the one sucked in by mythology of Tarbell and Hersh just the same, to do?” —Scott Heiser Scott Heiser is a young journalist trying to figure out his options at the University of Colorado. Like Conover, he was disquieted by Tim Porter’s Mood of the Newsroom post. For Heiser, a 20 year-old sophomore, the message from First Draft and PressThink is confusing and unfair. (Here’s his latest column, by the way.) The unfair part he explaineed in a follow-up e-mail. “The reporters are defensive because they’re being attacked from all sides, and where they try to change and be more responsive (to make papers ‘more interesting’ or appealing to younger readers), it comes off like one more case of the old guys pandering to the young.” His letter:
Mr. Porter and Mr. Rosen: As I read the prose you’ve both written, I’m left confused. As a young journalist, I’ve fallen in love with the profession more than I thought I could ever love something. The sentiments you are expressing leave me with an eternal feeling of searching, “So what do I do?” A part of my reply: Truth-telling is of course the first commitment in journalism. No one is saying otherwise, and no one is saying “times change, buddy, get a new commitment.” If we describe the core values of journalism at a sufficiently high level of abstraction—truth, accuracy, fairness—then we can all be traditionalists and go tut-tutting around about how “some things never change,” and “people will always need…” Read the rest, if you are interested. Letter Three: “When you ask people to pay for your content, you’re going to distribute less of it than when you give it away.” — Bill Grueskin. It caused some notice when Ethan Zuckerman, fellow at the Berkman Center and a philosopher-geek-activist-media critic, posted, Is Christian Science Monitor the World’s Bloggiest Newspaper? Zuckerman, who has been studying foreign news and its patterns, wanted to test a hypothesis— “that CSM has the highest number of blog links per paper subscribers of any major US newspaper.” Using Technorati as source, “the bloggiest newspapers I found were…” Christian Science Monitor - 134.90 Down at the end of the list, between the Middletown (NY) Times Herald-Record (0.39) and the Fort Myers News Press (0.50) was The Wall Street Journal at 0.40, among the lowest scores. “The Journal is notorious in the blogging community for hiding nearly all of its content behind a paid firewall,” Zuckerman wrote. “Despite the fact that it boasts the second-highest circulation of a US paper (2,106,774), it’s anemic in the blogosphere, with 910 links from 828 sources.” Anemic in the blogosphere. I wanted to know what Bill Grueskin thought about that, so I asked him. Grueskin is the managing editor of the Wall Street Journal Online and the man in charge of how “bloggy” it is, to use Zuckerman’s term. (See my recent Q and A with him.) “Is being anemic in the blogosphere something to worry about?” I asked.
Jay: I don’t know enough about the methodology here to make a direct comment on the numbers. One thing I’d wonder is whether he’s including traffic to links from OpinionJournal.com, Dow Jones’ free website run by the Editorial Page. A quick keyword search for “OpinionJournal” on Technorati generates well over 3,000 links, and you get even more from searching for “Opinion Journal” (with a space). You’d also get more from including our other free sites, such as CareerJournal.com. Bloggers can relate to that. Grueskin, I think, realizes the Journal could do way more. Maybe he’s fighting the right fight inside Dow Jones and we don’t see the results yet. Or maybe there’s something he’s missing too. We could hear about it comments. Conover and Heiser are fair game, as well. UPDATE, Letter Four: “The next day they wake up and William Allen White is gone, and they’re working for Joe Schmoe, an eager-to-please creature of corporate.” — Steve Lovelady Steve Lovelady, now managing editor of CJR Daily, former managing editor at the Philadelphia Inquirer and a PressThink regular, wrote in with his reactions to Tim Porter and Scott Heiser.
Jay: I can add the perspective of one who has been through “the muck of budget cuts,” which is, I think, a key element in the equation, and one that Tim Porter glosses over just a little too glibly. Lovelady’s “William Allen White of their time” is a reference to Gene Roberts, executive editor of the Inquirer from 1972 to 1991, and the dominant figure in that newspaper’s recent history. Roberts is famous for inspiring the people who worked with him, for his extremely slow drawl and taciturn nature, and for presiding over a newspaper that won 17 Pulitizer Prizes. He later became managing editor of the New York Times. (A 2001 interview with Roberts; a Poynter tribute to him.) After Matter: Notes, reactions & links… “We know where we’re going.”John Robinson, editor and man in charge of the Greensboro News & Record, is optimistic as he responds to “tipping point” rumors and PressThink’s last two posts. As an industry, we don’t lack the talent or vision to redirect the ship, as one letter writer suggests. We lack the will. The data is clear; the status quo is not an option. What are we waiting for? The changes in store should be embraced if we can reach new audiences with our journalism. No one is suggesting we abandon our core principles. Truth telling remains the key. And everything I read challenges us to make that principle stronger. Robinson remains an inspiration, but then a lot of people in Greensboro are that. Yeah, but Snarkmarket isn’t buying it: If you haven’t read them, they all make essentially the same point — old-school journalism’s in trouble. Shorter Merrill Brown: Young people don’t read newspapers. Shorter Tim Porter: And it’s the fault of backwards-thinking journalists. Shorter Rupert Murdoch: No, seriously. Young people like never read newspapers. “But it all just feels so twelve years ago,” says Snark. “When we start talking around in circles like this, I get impatient about the snail’s pace of this alleged revolution.” Susan Mernit says she agrees. Why don’t they tell it to the snails, say, in this post? Esoteric Rabbit Films, a weblog about “the acutely inexplicable cinematic addiction,” has an intriguing post about how citizen journalism will become fatally attractive to filmmakers. “Look into the Newsroom Mirror.” Ryan Pitts of Dead Parrot Society and the Spokesman Review in Spokane says about Porters Mood of… post: We are posting this in our newsroom, and I sincerely hope some internal dialogue emerges from it. Ethan Zuckerman e-mails in reply to Bill Grueskin: I did not include OpinionJournal.com in the numbers I ran last week. I used what appeared to be the official news sites for the publications I considered, favoring a more popular URL over a less popular one when there was an obvious choice to be made - i.e., csmonitor.com rather than christiansciencemonitor.com. I’m running a larger set of numbers - all 150 newspapers that the Audit Bureau lists - today and plan on releasing those numbers in the next 48 hours or so. To do the Wall Street Journal - and several other papers - justice, I’ll likely need to tweak my numbers to consider multiple sites for media properties like the Journal that use several different URLs. Zuckerman had a question for readers: “While I’ve gotten quite a bit of feedback—and some theorizing—on the Wall Street Journal’s low rank, I’ve gotten very little speculation on why the Christian Science Monitor - as well as the New York Times, Washington Post and San Francisco Chronicle rank so high.” Ideas? Also see Amy Gahran, who breaks the news to the Christian Science Monitor that they’re the most blog intensive, and gets a reaction from the people there. Tom Reagan: “We believe in links. For us, it’s what the Internet is all about.”
Posted by Jay Rosen at April 25, 2005 4:47 PM
In a e-mail, Scott Heiser adds: So far as my generation is concerned - we aren't newspaper people. We're OC people and Facebook people, but a newspaper? Even if it's free, it seems that the opportunity cost is too much. "... But this is not a civic age, it seems, and no amount of repackaging can change that, I'm afraid." Ahem. Not a civic age? Boulderdash. Perhaps a trip back to Tocqueville and the "Link between Associations and Newspapers? Can there be associations today, or tomorrow, without the commerical, and "socially responsible," newspaper? In fact, has the consolidation of newspapers reflected the consolidation of civic associations, or disconnected the newspaper from civic associations through their religious devotion to "objectivity", "view from nowhere", ...? Has the relationship between newspapers and associations been weakened or replaced by talk radio, email, web, ...? Is it possible, even fathomable, that a civic age is active all around journalists who refuse to participate and tut-tut from journalism's cathedrals? (Steve Lovelady, you there?) "... every institution would have a 10-year timebomb built into its management structure ..." See 10-year business cycle and ask how the 100 year ideology of "modern" journalism has survived each decade? Posted by: Sisyphus These are anything but certainties. The best things about the blogosphere is the sense that one can really flesh out thoughts, which was and is my intent. Perhaps these are the most civic times for more people than ever before, I don't know. But I can speak to the Boulder experience. I wrote my Wednesday column on this whole debate, and I spoke to a few people about "what it would take" to get them to pick up a FREE paper and actually read it. The consensus was that most just felt they were not at a point in their lives where it was an interest, where it was something that mattered enough to them that they should do it. Most said that eventually they'd get to that point, and I countered that the point should be now, not later, because things happening in the world today affect your "later." They all agreed, but unless the "boring" nature of what the newspaper represents actually changes, to something with a cultural cachet like silly reality shows or time wasters like The Facebook, kids won't read newspapers. There are just too many freaking ways to entertain oneself. The answers I think, are about providing more than just the newsprint. You have to provide more than one mode of communication. It has to be more interactive than just picking up a the paper and turning the pages. So maybe this discussion can continue on that tangent. Thanks again for the time, SH Posted by: Scott Heiser at April 26, 2005 12:39 AM | Permalink Think out of the box here. The current journalistic newspaper philosophy is that they need to get the news out first. The deeper stories and be had at Time and Newsweek. However, they can't beat the web at speed. When the same stories appear in print that appeared on the web, they are irrevelent. For example, How many people did not know the new Pope was elected when the next morning's paper appeared? And how many of those stories look alot like the AP/CNN/Rueters story? Why was THAT story a front page story? What's pitiful is the idea that Time and Newsweek are running the deeper story. Few ordinary people will pick up a free paper, on the assumption that you get value for money. You know what the free alt papers are like: depressingly bad writing, misguided social activism, put together and edited by busybodies and malcontents with outsized egos for their very humble stations in life. It's the same reason people are stand-offish about vanity press books. There's a kook presumption. "The consensus was that most just felt they were not at a point in their lives where it was an interest, where it was something that mattered enough to them that they should do it." As Infotainment, most news is not as entertaining as other time-wasters. The IDEA of a "representative" democracy is that the people choose a representative, and HE spends the time to make good decisions. Scott, what decisions are you making that depend on knowing what's in the newspapers? Most news junkies seem intent on having the status of "informed superiority", so they can win arguments with more knowledge. Big deal. Do news "facts" help in school? In a job? In a sport? In a marriage? In raising kids? Prolly not. In choosing a politician? Even then, pro-choice or pro-life might be all you need, other facts are less important. Facts DO matter, a lot ... to those who invest money (or bet!). So it makes sense for the WSJ (and Financial Times) to be good papers. And sell their valuable info/ facts, while giving their opinions away. Posted by: Tom Grey - Liberty Dad at April 26, 2005 12:53 PM | Permalink I do think that "news facts" help in school and other places, very much so, particularly for those at large public universities like myself with a liberal arts core curriculum. I concede that it doesn't affect students in any intstrumental way, which is why it isn't surprising that we're not that interested in newspapers or news in general. At CU, the instrumental news is everywhere though. In how much better of a position would students find themselves if they all were pretty engaged about what the state legislature was doing in Denver about higher education funding? Or more locally, the views of the new elects from student elections (in which most students did not vote)? Or more nationally, how the discussions about Social Security privatization may affect their working future, after they've exited Boulder? In a lot of ways, it's not about "not caring" but about ways of engagement, I've sensed. It has to go beyond just newsprint. I don't know that fretting about young readers is really that fruitful, but what is interesting to me is that most of the time newspapers are charged as "boring," the prescription is often how to make them appealing to a younger crowd that apparently decides what is and what is not interesting. It'll work itself out somehow. SH Posted by: Scott Heiser at April 26, 2005 2:51 PM | Permalink Scott: "It'll work itself out somehow." Perhaps it will work itself out when you can answer the question, "Boring in what way?" It is boring in a comparative way? Compared to video games? Is the non-interactive-ness boring? Should news morph into Kuma\War? (OK, maybe not "exactly" like that, but could you foresee an interactive news report or panorama news with voice over and in-frame video, perhaps a highlight reel? As a pull rather than push? Is it boring because it is intellectually dry and bland data devoid of human qualities that build associations with the news provider (marrow sucked out of bones dry)? Is it boring in some other way? Ask a teen/20-something why he/she doesn't read the newspaper and get the response, "Booooooring." Is that along the lines of asking your high schooler, "How was school today?" - "Fine." - "What did you do?" - "Nothing." Must just not be a very civic minded kid, huh? Jay -- Posted by: Steve Lovelady at April 26, 2005 8:27 PM | Permalink Thanks for your response, Scott. I was keenly aware you didn't mention Iraq. Donald Sensing has a fine post on it, noting four main possible outcomes: victory for the US, victory for Al-Qaeda, successful use of a WMD by AQ against US and the retaliation war against Syria & Iran (& Saudi Arabia?) big loss for all, or 4) no decision, a drifting "forever" war. I can quibble with this but think it's fairly good. Then the good Reverend continues: As for me, I choose the first, and have no qualms admitting I am heavily biased in favor thereof. And that bias certainly shapes my blogging! The basic issue for news media: which outcome do you want? It is not possible to pretend neutrality here, for the power of the media to frame the public’s debate is too great to claim you are merely being “fair and balanced.” There literally is no neutral ground here, no “God’s eye view” of events, and hence no possibility of not taking sides. One way or another, what you print or broadcast, what stories you cover and how you cover them, what attention you pay to what issues and how you describe them - all these things mean that you will support one outcome over another. Which will you choose? How will you support it? These are the most important questions of your vocation today. But you are not facing them at all. He concludes with the disgusting Pulitzer's, which pretty clearly show a bias in favor of option 2, victory by Al-Qaeda. The gloom in the newsrooms is because they've been cheering for a loser who is losing, and it's becoming more clear they should never have been supporting those murdering terrorists. Not even to oppose Bush. I think we are about to get to the heart of news gloom: the Moral Hazard of a Free Press. [Moral Hazard explained: A "Free Press" as it is now means more Americans, and Iraqis, are murdered by the terrorists. Are the Free Press stories, like those with the Pulitzer pictures, really worth hundreds of American lives? Maybe no. And let's not forget, the "purpose" of the newspaper is to inform readers of the big dogfood sales and to sell other other stuff -- folk read the paper for the infotainment value. Posted by: Tom Grey - Liberty Dad at April 26, 2005 8:34 PM | Permalink Tom -- Posted by: Steve Lovelady at April 26, 2005 9:06 PM | Permalink Steve Lovelady reminds me of the cigarette CEOs. Sure, the motives of the CEOs may not have been devoutly wishing that another American got cancer. But so what? Tom, imagine if the elite among gun manufacturers got together and gave out a "Pulitzer" for the best manufactured firearm that year. Imagine if the one they chose was used in the most crimes. Do you think Lovelady would describe them as "a greying and slightly paunchy group of guys who have done some great" firearms "intent only on determing who did the best job of" producing a new firearm? Is the question about the product? The motives behind claiming their product benign? Or, the motives to create a product that harms? I'm fascinated that Lovelady would defend the AP photojournalism Pulitzer with "best job of getting to the bottom of things." Exactly what bottom is gotten to in the AP photos individually or as a set? Whoa, Nellie. We've got a few logical fallacies in full throat this morning. To wit: Appeal to Division, Appeal to Spite, The Strawman and, Reduction to Absurdity, a personal favorite for which I cannot find a link. (And yes, I had to look up the names, and no, I wouldn't know the Latin.) An unproven accusation against an AP photographer equals Lovelady is an apologist for traitors? A "patriotic" thesis ("there is literally no neutral ground here") proves that those who think differently are cheerleaders for AQ? Posted by: Daniel Conover at April 27, 2005 10:33 AM | Permalink Come to think of it, I think that last one qualifies as Appeal to Authority. Posted by: Daniel Conover at April 27, 2005 10:35 AM | Permalink 'The dissident does not operate in the realm of genuine power at all. He is not seeking power. He has no desire for office and does not gather votes. He does not attempt to charm the public, he offers nothing and promises nothing. He can offer, if anything, only his own skin -- and he offers it solely because he has no other way of affirming the truth he stands for. His actions simply articulate his dignity as a citizen, regardless of the cost.' Tim's blog is a brilliant illustration of the testimony to the Power of One. As he noted, he has written 400 posts since Christmas 2002 and one and all have been thought-provoking. If the problems of democracy can only be cured by more democracy ... the solution for the main stream media might be found in the following quote by Havel: 'There are times when we must sink to the bottom of our misery to understand truth, just as we must descend to the bottom of a well to see the stars in broad daylight' Posted by: Jozef Imrich at April 27, 2005 10:55 AM | Permalink In the context of Havel's quote and journalism, I want to link to this journalistic masterpiece: Politics requires scapegoats, whether they bear guilt or not. And the media seem less interested in discovering who is responsible than in providing a megaphone for the accusations. But the questions need to be asked. We cannot begin to fix the policymaking process until we see who broke it--and even then, the damage may be beyond repair ... Posted by: Jozef Imrich at April 27, 2005 11:14 AM | Permalink Dan: "An unproven accusation against an AP photographer equals Lovelady is an apologist for traitors?" Is that what you read in my comment? If so, absolutely not. For example, I think Tom is wrong about this: The gloom in the newsrooms is because they've been cheering for a loser who is losing, and it's becoming more clear they should never have been supporting those murdering terrorists. Not even to oppose Bush.Way over the top. But I do want to know, when Steve Lovelady says, "God bless 'em; nothing else matters." whether that's really an appropriate measure? In other words, can a Pulitzer become an award for the "best tasting cigarette"? So when Steve Lovelady looks at the AP winning photos, what does he see as the product? Cline has a much more articulate way of expressing it: If journalists do not critically examine the nefarious effects of the bad news and narrative biases, they risk making politicians look far more crooked than they really are, and they risk making governance appear far less interesting and important than it really is. And, just as bad, journalists risk making themselves appear far more politically biased than they really are. On the WSJ "bloggy" question, anything approaching a rigorous analysis needs to bear in mind: * Technorati is flawed. Every day PubSub will find mentions of things I track that Technorati misses. And as far as I can tell, both of those only spider blogs composed with formal blog software. There are lots of blogs out there--often among the most-heavily trafficked--that don't use standard blog software. * This "data" is based on URL searches. It's not telling you when WSJ stories are being mentioned but not linked to. Since readers will sometimes complain when they can't click through, I know a lot of bloggers that won't bother with WSJ links, but may still discuss the stories, or extracts from the stories. * Perhaps most importantly, the WSJ is not directly comparable to other newspapers. It's a terrific paper with a national audience and yes they do keep expanding the range of what they cover--but it's primarily a business newspaper and the other publications are not. You could easily conclude that business news is less "bloggy," not the newspaper itself. All of which is to advise, don't do jumping to a lot of grand-scale conclusions based on a little bit of Technorati searching. Posted by: Michael at April 27, 2005 1:38 PM | Permalink "So when Steve Lovelady looks at the AP winning photos, what does he see as the product?" That one's pretty easy. Posted by: Steve Lovelady at April 27, 2005 2:03 PM | Permalink Over 140 years ago, Matthew Brady was "improving" photos of Civil War battlefields. Only the naive and True Believers think that photos "get to the bottom of things". Posted by: kilgore trout at April 27, 2005 2:15 PM | Permalink Nice going, Kilgore. Posted by: sl2378@columbia.edu at April 27, 2005 2:45 PM | Permalink To s12378: do you deny that Brady doctored Civil War photos? Posted by: kilgore trout at April 27, 2005 2:50 PM | Permalink Steve Lovelady, Thank you for that reply. It was helpful to get a glimpse through your eyes. I have no idea if Brady doctored photographs 140 years ago. Posted by: Steve Lovelady at April 27, 2005 3:45 PM | Permalink Steve, you've proven yourself to be an unworthy sparring partner. Posted by: kilgore trout at April 27, 2005 5:22 PM | Permalink Sorry to hear that, Kilgore. Posted by: Steve Lovelady at April 27, 2005 5:55 PM | Permalink Here is something about news photography to shake up and re-angle your dialogue. A nuanced treatment: Capture the Moment: On the uses and misuses of photojournalism. By my colleague in NYU Journalism, Susie Linfield, former arts editor at the Washington Post. At the suggestion of Sysiphus, I incorporated my "Questions and Answers About Media Bias" (May, 04) post into the general Questions and Answers About PressThink, which is linked off the main page under my bio. Scroll down for the bias stuff. It explains my own views, which do not fit with most bias critics or most journalists. Jay,thanks for the link to the Linfield article, it did "shake up and re-angle" my thinking about photojournalism in some ways. Posted by: kilgore trout at April 28, 2005 2:30 PM | Permalink You're preaching to the choir Jay, I'm a Believer. Posted by: kilgore trout at April 29, 2005 2:56 PM | Permalink Steve Lovelady, That "Go. See. Return. Tell." is what we the people always expected and thought we were getting, until we started to hear and see things that didn't fit the picture being painted by the media. Maybe another element needs to be added at some point. Not just see, but see for us, and not your associates and editors. We've all been taught to believe in a free press, but it was supposed to be a market of ideas not a Microsoft. I don't know how to restore a spectrum and real debate like there used to be, but the blogosphere has more in common with the free press at the beginning of this country than the modern media do. Posted by: AST |