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October 7, 2006
Spouse on Campaign Payroll? Sunlight's New Tool"It takes less than five minutes to investigate whether a given member of Congress has a wife or husband on the payroll. This is because the relevant data bases have been combined and adapted to make it extremely simple to check for spouses as payees in campaign expenditures."Don’t miss Sunlight’s latest adventure in networked journalism: “a new distributed research and reporting project that will enable citizen journalists to find out how many members of the House of Representatives have their spouses on the payroll.” The campaign payroll, that is. The practice is not illegal. It is questionable, but it can’t be questioned unless the public knows about it. “Members who hire spouses to work on their campaigns pay them from the campaign contributions they raise from special interests— in effect, allowing their political fundraising to add to their personal income,” said the press release from Sunlight. Ease-of-use is the innovation. It takes less than five minutes to investigate whether a given member of Congress has a wife or husband on the payroll. This is because the relevant data bases have been combined and adapted to make it extremely simple to check for spouses as payees in campaign expenditures. I checked into my Congressman, Jerrold Nadler, and his wife, Joyce Miller. They appear clean. Thus I did my part. Sunlight—a funder of NewAssignment.Net—is going to add a Senate spouse project soon. Bill Allison explains: It would take a single reporter weeks to amass that kind of information, but with a distributed reporting model, if we have enough volunteers taking on a handful of members each, we can get this done in a matter of days. At the end of the process, we’ll have a sentence that reads, “Of 435 Members of the House of Representatives, 63 have hired their spouses to work their campaigns, paying them $1.5 million from campaign contributions in the 2006 campaign cycle.” We’ll be able to point to those members who pay their spouses the most money, uncovering information that right now isn’t available to the public. We might even find some outrageous excesses. Without the combined databases and easy interfaces it would take a single reporter weeks, that’s true. But if a single reporter had the tool that Sunlight Labs developed it would take about three days (21 hours) of work. Not impossible, but perhaps unlikely. Plus journalism has never had that kind of R & D capacity. Micah Sifrey, a consultant to Sunlight, told me that two hours after the tool launched, 77 members had been checked out. As I write this (Saturday morning) the project page shows that it’s up to 265 members of the 435. (Update: the work finished on Sunday. See “After Matter” below.) “Future projects will investigate children of members who work for political campaigns, relatives of members who work for political action committees and for fundraising firms, and relatives of members who are registered to lobby Congress,” writes Allison. “Working together, I’m hoping we can develop a citizen journalist news room of volunteers digging into members and thinking about how to do it better—how to use the Web to bring greater accountability to members of Congress.” A few observations of my own:
It’s called Find out if Congress is a Family Business. Try the tool yourself and let me know what you think in the comments. After Matter: Notes, reactions & links… Bill Allison updates on Oct. 8, two days after launch: Incredible!—in less than two days, a virtual investigative team dug through campaign finance records for 435 current members of Congress, trying to find out of they paid their spouses from campaign funds. There were 24 of us (myself included—I looked up six members) who left our names, and 83 members investigated by anonymous researchers. I’m not sure whether that’s actually 83 individual researchers, or one very industrious but bashful person, or some total in between, but our tech folksshould be able to give us some idea of what the actual number of participants was. Ellen Miller, executive ditrector of Sunlight: “Anyone who believes that citizens don’t want to get involved in monitoring what their representiatives do here in Washington has just been proven wrong.” Bill Allison in the comments: With more arduous research, maybe the solution is to split up the work: Some people could track down the names of, say, the sons- and daughters-in-law of members of Congress, while others cross check those names against lobbyist registrations, while a third group of volunteers contacts the firms and verifies the information, all of which is updated and filled in on a grid that anyone can visit to see how research is progressing. Of course there’d be overlap—people doing tasks one and two or two and three or all three—but there’d also be the opportunity for someone who just wanted to do something relatively simple, like searching for names in a lobbying database, to make an important and crucial contribution. I think that’s the way to go. Make it easy for a lot to contribute a little, and a few to contribute a lot. More Sunlight: A Red Letter Day for Transparency. New searchable database for all government contracts and for what members of Congress own, including what stock they own. Janet Eden, who hangs out at Daniel Conover’s Xark site, in comments: “Look no further than World of Warcraft to be convinced that people will spend hours on activitities that overcome obstacles and test skills. Hours. That could be beneficial for both the gathering and dissemination of data.” Dan Gillmor and I have worked with Lisa Williams to give birth to Placeblogger.com, which Lisa (author of H20Town) will operate. It was her idea. Check out her post about it here, and Poynter’s E-media blog on it here. Hasn’t launched yet, but I think it’s going to be a kick-ass site and all the placebloggers around the U.S. will love it. Lisa writes: Placeblogs reveal a fiercely non-generic America that’s not about national big-box retailers, and they don’t feature the kind of broad, blunt coverage that results from driving by communities at highway speed, or flying overhead. There’s little Red vs. Blue America or fad coverage here. They show America at the level of detail you get at a walking pace. Jakob Nielsen on Participation Inequality: “In most online communities, 90% of users are lurkers who never contribute, 9% of users contribute a little, and 1% of users account for almost all the action.” Why does Wall Street hate newspapers so much? asks Doc Seals. “Simple: Because newspapers are a rusty industry. They have tail fins. They print lists of readers every day on the obituary page. Worse, as a class they are resolutely clueless about how to adapt to a world that is increasingly networked and self-informing. And Wall Street knows that.” Doc goes on to list ten things newspapers should do to get with it. They’re all dead on, in my opinion. Sean Coon reports on my visit to the Greensboro News & Record to discuss NewAssignment.Net with bloggers and journalists in town. Part of my fall swing through North Carolina. Aaron Barlow at Daily Kos… Journalists: Look to Your Future. n the 1990s, when people like “Buzz” Merritt and Jay Rosen tried to develop another model for the news business, they were shot down by many of the people within, people who cried that “civic journalism” transgressed on the ethical integrity (among other things) of journalists…. There are some; and I do hear from them. According to reports from Jeff Jarvis, who is at the Online News Association annual conference, they’re starting to get it. Daniel Conover: It’s the tools, stupid. “Don’t tell me how the media needs to change: Tell me what tool you can build that will give people the power to bring order to data in credible, meaningful, real-time ways.” Tish Grier at the Constant Observer says we should extend our sense of hyperlocal journalism. “My sense of neighborhood and of friends is one more of affinity and expertise than of geography. Therefore, I am committing an act of ‘hyperlocal’ journalism (citizen or professional) when I am writing about the places/spaces/sensibilities on the Internet that I know just as well as I know the shortest route to the Chicopee Wal-Mart and my neighbor’s first name.” Brent Cunningham at CJR Daily: “More than ever we need the press to lead the debate.”
Posted by Jay Rosen at October 7, 2006 11:28 AM
"Making that connection clear and visible - and tracking it over time - helps a lot. I think people are far more likely to contribute if they can see what's left to be done, how others are doing, etc." Yes. I haven't got around to writing up what I found because it wasn't clear that anyone would actually see the info (this didn't make it not worth doing, but made it lower priority) I have other ideas/suggestions, but the site's not 'friendly' at present and there's no single obvious place to post suggestions and have others chime in. Any chance PressThink could dragoon someone (Barrett? Williams? Teachout?) into doing a "feedback on Sunlight Foundation" post, akin to the one for BackFence? Another entry in the "posts for PressThink" suggestion box - There's a whole lot of talk and writing about citizen journalists but, AFAIK, exactly zero institutional experienced-journalist support that they can turn to, when faced with a difficult situation. Why? Any chance that this state of affairs could change, and if so, how? Posted by: Anna Haynes at October 8, 2006 1:12 AM | Permalink "When faced with a difficult pre-publication, journalism-related situation." (Didn't want to give the MBA short shrift.) Posted by: Anna Haynes at October 8, 2006 2:10 AM | Permalink When will we be able to see the children and those who marry them that are also on the payroll? Posted by: Andyj at October 8, 2006 8:00 PM | Permalink Anna: you could post suggestions and comments here and Zephyr would address them. She has before. The idea of a help line for citizen journalists when faced with a difficult situation is a good one. Posted by: Jay Rosen at October 8, 2006 11:32 PM | Permalink Jay, Thanks so much for you thoughtful suggestions and ideas. Let me re-emphasize that this was an experiment, something we hope we will evolve and that a lot of us interested in the potentials of distributed journalism will learn a lot from. (And in that spirit, Anna, we would love to have a broader discussion and get as much feedback on what we're doing, what works and doesn't work, and where to we go from here). To respond to your observations first: Yes, the first round required simple and repetitive tasks; it was really the Web design that made it, as our top researcher KCinDC noted, like eating potato chips--hard to stop at one. I think as we go forward, though, and the tasks get more difficult, that will change (or rather, the interface will still be as clean and elegant and compelling, but the tasks will become more involved). For example, tracking a Julie Doolittle situation (that is, a spouse whose company is paid by campaigns of multiple members) will involve more involved research, and hopefully will do more to engage those top one percenters. At the same time, we'd like to continue to give casual users the opportunity to make a contribution. With more arduous research, maybe the solution is to split up the work: Some people could track down the names of, say, the sons- and daughters-in-law of members of Congress, while others cross check those names against lobbyist registrations, while a third group of volunteers contacts the firms and verifies the information, all of which is updated and filled in on a grid that anyone can visit to see how research is progressing. Of course there'd be overlap--people doing tasks one and two or two and three or all three--but there'd also be the opportunity for someone who just wanted to do something relatively simple, like searching for names in a lobbying database, to make an important and crucial contribution. But you're right--it's important to let users (actually doers, in this case) understand how looking up Joyce Miller and not finding her name in a database of expenditures contributes to the overall project. We did have a running total of members investigated and how many spouses were paid how much, but that might not have been enough to reinforce the idea that even doing just one person, and not finding anything, gets all of us closer to the goal. Also, on each of the state pages, doers could see who had been done and how many people were left, but maybe we could have done something more prominent--a pie chart or some other graphic element that brought that home. But I think the headline for us is that this has been a fairly successful test so far, and now we're hoping for feedback to help us decide what to do next and how best to go about it. I'm anxious to hear what others think. Posted by: Bill Allison at October 9, 2006 4:44 PM | Permalink This moves us up a level in the conversation about citizen media. It's not only what we get, it's how we deliver it. Three brilliant observations to take to heart: 1. ... the work has to be more like sluething, or a game where you are overcoming obstacles and testing your skills. Look no further than World of Warcraft to be convinced that people will spend hours on activitities that overcome obstacles and test skills. Hours. That could be beneficial for both the gathering and dissemination of data. 2. Good design and powerful technology are not inimical to one another. Bravo. User interface can make or break you. Presentation directly affects everything from the audience's perception of your credibility to people's ability to accurately recall your message. Whatever we do with all the information we gather, it must be presented in a clear, usuable and easy-to-digest format. Otherwise we might as well just link to a PDF of the entire GAO report. 3. ... put a little extra thought and ingenuity into how the individual volunteer can see the connection between his or her small part and the progress of the big project. What Anna said and more: Everyone who volunteers wants to feel as though his contribution is valuable. If a project wants to harness people's work and enthusiasm more than once, it must respect that work and demonstrate its value in the projects' success. Posted by: Janet Edens at October 9, 2006 5:09 PM | Permalink > "you could post suggestions and comments here and Zephyr would address them. She has before." yes, and it's much appreciated. but having the discussion be localized on 1 page benefits both future readers and current readers with less than perfect recall, plus there's the potential for a critical-mass-synergy-brainstorming whole-greater-than-the-parts interaction. > "The idea of a help line for citizen journalists when faced with a difficult situation is a good one." (btw, haven't tried it but I think the Ethics AdviceLine ("...free service to professional journalists in need of guidance...") is open to non-professionals as well.) Janet's Yes. and it's even better if acquiring skills is part of the package too. speaking as a (typically?) imperfect volunteer, the hurdle lies in the feeling that one needs to assemble the results into a semi-coherent whole. So (as Bill said) to the extent that one's contributions can give value without reaching the baked-iced-and-decorated stage...
Yes. (and trust me, I am not speaking from a one-up position on this :-( BTW Janet needs to come over here more often.
here? now? In general, for site design - anything possible to increase the "active text" area. Fewer graphics. Subtler sidebars. Descriptive link text, not "brands" (e.g. on pages like this one, rename the "Navigation" left sidebar blogs' links to authorname, not blogname.)
Posted by: Anna Haynes at October 9, 2006 9:22 PM | Permalink I would like to extend an invitation to you to join in on a collective blogging section of our upcoming winter issue of Reconstruction. The issue is the “Theories/Practices of Blogging.” In addition to the special section of posts on blogging there will be about a dozen essays on blogging. The deadline is October 27th. Our intent in this section of the issue will be to collect a wide range of bloggers and link up to their statements in regards to why they blog (something many of us are asked) and any statement they have on the theories/practices of blogging. If you already have a post on this you can feel free to use it, or, if you are interested, you can submit a new one. We will link to each statement from the issue at our site, with the intent of creating a hyperlinked list of statements on blogging that can serve as an introduction to blogging (or an expansion of knowledge for those already blogging). If you are interested please contact me at mdbento @ gmail.com Posted by: michael benton at October 11, 2006 4:10 PM | Permalink At Sunlight (here to be precise: http://www.sunlightfoundation.com/node/1345), I've posted a piece requesting input on the next phase of the investigation. Please feel free to comment there or here on it--I'll keep checking both places. Posted by: Bill Allison at October 16, 2006 5:34 PM | Permalink off topic, but of general interest.... UC Berkeley is looking for a new Dean of Journalism. Brad DeLong is on the search committee, and has started an interesting discussion on his blog relating to it.... Posted by: p.lukasiak at October 26, 2006 2:24 AM | Permalink |