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August 21, 2007
Help Make my Blowback Post to Michael Skube a Little More Sound; LATimes.com to Run With ItBy this afternoon I need a better list.Okay, with the help of some people in comment threads at Daily Kos, at PressThink, over email, I have the heart of my reply to Michael Skube and his post, Blogs: All the noise that fits. It’s a little signal for him (to contrast with the noise.) A reading list, with different kinds of complications—some big, some small—to his tales of virtue and greatness in reporting and blogging. Of couse I am not writing to him but to readers of the LATimes website, who should know about the blowback from his post and do already to some extent. (UPDATE: The Blowpack piece is now published at the LA Times.) This is what I pulled together—draft version—as my list of somewhat representative, by no means definitive or even halfway-complete list of cases. Just 500-600 words I could at this point include in a 1,200 word reply the LATimes.com asked me to write. My initial picks from your suggestions and my own ideas are: August, 2004. Chris Allbritton goes to Najaf . Reporting for Back-to-Iraq.com, his reader-supported blog, during the major fighting around the Imam Ali Shrine, Allbritton manages to get inside to interview members of the Mahdi army and report what’s happening; he’s then arrested by the Najaf police under live fire but lives to write about it. June, 2007. Pet-food scandal ignites blogosphere. Pet owners frustrated with the limitations of the news media self-organize into a national network of sites and share news about tainted foods that may have killed thousands of pets across the country. March, 2007. Firedoglake at the Libby Trial. Popular lefty political blog provides the only blow by blow coverage of the trial by splitting the work among six contributors who bring big knowledge to bear for a committed-to-the-case readership; news media repy on the blog for its updates and analysis. 2003 to present. Groklaw the go-to source for coverage of SCO v. IBM. Law blog—one obsessive blogger plus readers— takes on saturation coverage of key lawsuit involving open source software, becomes the authoritative source of knowledge on the case for participants in the case. September 2004. Joseph Newcomer provides comprehensive examination of disputed Killian memos in CBS report. A computer type-setting expert uses his knowledge to cast serious doubt on the authenticity of documents 60 Minutes relied on in its story on President Bush’s Air National Guard service. February, 2006. NASA political appointee resigns Graduate student and science blogger Nick Anthis finds out that 24-year old George Deutsch, a political apppointee accused of trying to silence NASA climate scientists, lied on his resume about having a college degree. Deutsch resigns. 2007 to present. Blogger Michael Yon reports from Iraq. Supported primarily by donations from readers, independent journalist Michael Yon--a former Green Beret—is spending 2007 embedded with soldiers whose courage and sacrifice he admires, and whose stories he tells, mostly recently from Anbar province. December 2006-April 2007. Talking Points Memo drives the US Attorneys firings Into the National Spotlight. Mixing old fashioned legwork with perseverance over months and lots of help from readers, Josh Marshall and his TMP Media empire accumulate evidence “from around the country on who the axed prosecutors were, and why politics might be behind the firings.” (Which was in the LA Times) December 2006. DallasFood.org investigates Noka Chocolate. Gourmet food blog provides the only in-depth investigation into “world’s most expensive” chocolatier’s deceptive marketing practices. August, 2005 Unbossed.com publishes its series on toll roads as a business. Among the investigation’s findings: “Local governments in Colorado have agreed to deliberately impede traffic on existing highways near a toll road in order to protect the toll roads’ investors.” June, 2007. EdCone.com scoops News & Record on its own layoffs. As the paper clams up, its staffers, ex-staffers, and readers use blog comments and email to create the only detailed public account of layoffs at the daily newspaper in Skube’s backyard. February 2006. The Politics of Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome. In a three-part series pulling together a lot of scattered information, citizen journalism site ePluribusMedia investigates the impact of politics on the funding, diagnosis and treatment of Iraq war veterans suffering from PTSD. March, 2006. Californian Republican Uses Phony Pic to Show a Peaceful Iraq. Daily Kos and other sites show that a photo posted by Republican Congressional candidate Howard Kaloogian purposting to show a peaceful Iraq is actually a scene in Istanbul, Turkey. Kaloogian later loses his primary race. 2005 to present. Katrina Timeline. Members of the ePluribus Media community create a detailed timeline of key events before, during, and after the August 29th, 2005 hurricane made landfall at New Orleans, with over 500 events, fact-checked and sourced. It continues to be updated as the story stretches onward. May-June 2007. The Pandemic Flu Leadership Blog is a collaborative public health blog hosted by the Department of Health and Human Services to advance dialogue between citizens, experts outside the government and health officials on how best to prepare for an influenza pandemic, a natural disaster requiring preparation on every level (government, community, family and personal). August, 2006. Porkbusters, the Sunlight Foundation, and TPM Muckraker expose Congressional earmarks and the Senator who placed a secret hold on a bill to put information about federal fund recipients online. So that’s what I have so far. It’s not a “top ten” anything but a list of highlights and more ordinary examples showing different kinds of blog reporting ventures and informational quests. I need it to be better. Check and improve my examples, rewrite them if you can. Get better links or suggest additional links within the examples we have. And I need a more cases, especially from beyond politics, and outside the circle of open left politics (Daily Kos home turf) complete with killer links in the simple form I asked for last time:
Make it look like this and we’re golden Use the comments and feed examples formatted like those above and you will help make my Blowback post to Michael Skube more informationally sound. Meanwhile, I will be writing the other parts. Skube’s way is still making waves and what I said is still being debated, so we’re good if we post this afternoon, a lesser good if we don’t. Use the comments to make suggestions for my list.
Posted by Jay Rosen at August 21, 2007 2:35 PM
February 2005. AmericaBlog reveals that White House reporter/military veteran "Jeff Gannon" is a male prostitute named James Guckert who specializes in urinating on men, owes back taxes and never served in the military. The investigation also reveals irregularities in White House clearance and security procedures and the destruction of public records. Posted by: Scott McClellan at August 21, 2007 3:39 PM | Permalink With link: February 2005. AmericaBlog reveals that White House reporter/military veteran "Jeff Gannon" is a male prostitute named James Guckert who specializes in urinating on men, owes back taxes and never served in the military. The investigation also reveals irregularities in White House clearance and security procedures and the destruction of public records. Posted by: Scott McClellan at August 21, 2007 3:43 PM | Permalink Jay, Thank you for doing this. This really is a lowpoint in centrally controlled media. Though NowPublic covers big stories like Hurricae Dean by providing original, near-realtime footage from people living the news cycle, some of our best stuff is (and I know the term is becoming tedious) more long tail. Here are a few examples of original reporting that have appeared on our site: A firsthand account of vvoting in Nigeria's election: Typhoon coverage: karen Hatter on the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium: Phrolen: Suicide in the Military: Settler Protest: Experience in Sderot Israel with rockets: Mumbai Trains: Mumbai Flooding: Tahoe Sunsets: Report on forest fires inTahoe: Manhole explosion: The Sippy Cup Saga: NY man shot: Virginia Tech Shooting HPV Vaccine Photography bans in Maryland
Michael Tippett Posted by: Michael Tippett at August 21, 2007 3:48 PM | Permalink October 2005. Harriet Miers' Nomination to the Supreme Court was announced on October 3. By 8.51 that morning David Frum had posted a carefully argued and impassioned excoriation of Bush's choice. Frum's eloquance and speed gave huge early momentum to the pushback from the Right against Miers. Posted by: Richard H at August 21, 2007 4:08 PM | Permalink Sorry, no links, but what about Josh Marshall and Andrew Sullivan (and a few others) goading the mainstream media into reporting on Trent Lott's incendiary remarks at Strom Thurmond's birthday party? Posted by: Dan Kennedy at August 21, 2007 4:28 PM | Permalink Whoops. Sorry. I swear I only hit "post" once, but I did reload because things seemed to be hanging up. Posted by: Dan Kennedy at August 21, 2007 4:30 PM | Permalink And from the right (and the department of stopped clocks being correct twice a day): Posted by: ralph kramden at August 21, 2007 4:33 PM | Permalink
You could retitle mine: June 2007. EdCone.com scoops News & Record on its own layoffs. As the paper clams up, its staffers, ex-staffers, and readers use blog comments and email to create the only detailed public account of layoffs at the daily newspaper in Skube’s backyard. Although perhaps not rising to the same level as the rest, I'm sure patterico.com has done something directly affecting the LAT. freedomfolks.com have covered immigration marches. I covered the peace protests back in 2002 and 2003, with photos; I think I was the first to do that. I also asked someone you've never heard of a question that may have caused her to realize that the jig is up and that may have had an impact on WH policy. Or, it might not have had anything to do with it. However, have you considered the possibility that all the entries you're going to receive only involve popular coverage, which will, given the extreme partisanship of political blogs, be extremely partisan? I'm sure there's plenty of worthwhile reporting that bloggers do, but it doesn't become popular - and won't be mentioned here - because it isn't extremely partisan. Posted by: NoMoreBlatherDotCom Rony Abovitz breaks the Eason Jordon comments on WEF Forum Blog (January 2005) Michael Totten travels to Lebanon (September 2005) Bill Roggio embeds in Iraq (November - December 2005) Joseph Newcomer provides comprehensive examination of Killian memos (September 2004) Porkbusters, Sunlight Foundation, TPM Muckraker, etc., expose earmarks and secret hold. LGF exposes doctored photo (August 2006) First Milblog session at BlogNashville (May 2005) and first Milblog conference (April 2006) December 2004. Global Voices international, volunteer-led project that collects, summarizes, and gives context to some of the best self-published content found on blogs, podcasts, photo sharing sites, and videoblogs from around the world, with a particular emphasis on countries outside of Europe and North America. July 2007 - Present. Wesley Morgan, a sophomore at Princeton University where he writes for The Daily Princetonian, travels to Iraq and blogs. OT - David Cay Johnston from the NYT is racking up blog-comment points. Johnston's no Skube (which I think should be it's own descriptor, as in: You're such a Skube!). Yes. This list needs to exist. Unbossed's August 2005 toll road series - "local governments in Colorado have agreed to deliberately impede traffic on existing highways near a toll road in order to protect the toll roads' investors" (They call themselves a website, but it looks like a blog to me) Thanks everyone. I added some of these examples into the list, which now has 16 items. Take a look. I'm going to suggest one of these links from the Pandemic Flu Leadership Blog (if there's still time): Prepping For Your Pets, And Other Flu Stories or Our Responsibility Is To Teach The Basics and thank you for including this in your list. Piece is sent to the LA Times and should appear today. I will let you know. Posted by: Jay Rosen at August 22, 2007 10:39 AM | Permalink Meanwhile, Howard Kurtz today: "I'm getting pretty tired of anti-blogger critiques from folks who don't seem to know much about the subject. The latest is Elon University professor Michael Skube in the LAT..." USA Today's Angela Gunn writes about this post: just to make sure he had a nicely comprehensive list of blogosphere reportorial triumphs to cite in his letter to the Times today, [Rosen] asked for readers to pitch in with reminders. And did they ever. This is one of those posts and comment threads that just makes you happy to be a blog fan. It cheers me up no end to reflect that the very same publishing tool can bring us both lolcats and Chris Allbritton's Iraq coverage, Girls Are Pretty and ePluribusMedia's Katrina Timeline. Posted by: Jay Rosen at August 22, 2007 12:24 PM | Permalink I don't know why, but I just love the 50-50 tone of this, from the editor of the News and Observer in Raleigh at her blog. And of course the "congenitally contrarian" description of Professor Skube. That's why he got so much negative reaction-- he's a contrarian! Provocative! NC prof Skube rekindles blogs-journalism flames Posted by: Jay Rosen at August 22, 2007 12:50 PM | Permalink Hi Jay. An excellent addition to your list is Durham in Wonderland. Shortly after the Duke lacrosse scandal broke, Brooklyn College Professor K.C. Johnson began scrutinizing the case at Durham in Wonderland. His blog covered daily developments more thoroughly than any other source, avoiding and frequently correcting the false narratives that characterized so many newspaper and magazine articles. Many examples on your list note bloggers who've uncovered stories that the MSM wasn't aware of or ignored. KC Johnson is notable for doing better than the MSM on a story in which it invested significant resources. Posted by: Conor Friedersdorf at August 22, 2007 6:21 PM | Permalink Most Blogs=Bad grammar. Inaccurate information. Bloated verbiage. Opinionated bubbleheads. Posted by: nico at August 22, 2007 6:55 PM | Permalink March 2007 to present unbossed uncovered links among the privatization of Walter Reed Army Medical Center, the contractor given the work, IAP Worldwide, and IAP's connections to KBR and Halliburton in Walter Reed Got "Swindled" unbossed has continued to follow the story with updates as appropriate. 2005 to the present unbossed has been reporting on privatization, with a focus on the privatization of the IRS debt collection and the privatization of EEOC call centers (McEEOC - You Want Justice with That?), told through many, many posts through to the present. unbossed has also reported on Bush's No Federal Agency Left Behind (NFALB) report cards in Good Agency, Bad Agency and follow up reports. Shirah, IMO you need an "Unbossed greatest hits" page - or if there already is one, it should be more prominent on the site. Posted by: Anna at August 23, 2007 2:50 PM | Permalink February 2003. Donahue Dropped By MSNBC Over Political Views. AllYourTV.com (which is actually more of a site than blog) writes a series of pieces recounting the way MSNBC dropped the veteran talker over his preceived political views. They used leaked memos and interviews to develop a story that was picked by everyone from the newspapers to Vanity Fair. Posted by: Steve A. at August 23, 2007 4:24 PM | Permalink I'd throw in John Gorenfeld's reporting on the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's far-flung political and business dealings. Posted by: Kim Pearson at August 24, 2007 12:47 PM | Permalink Here's another: December, 2005 -- July, 2007. Radley Balko's investigation of the capital murder conviction of Cory Maye. Posted by: Kim Pearson at August 24, 2007 12:54 PM | Permalink Couple of events: Richard Jewell died. Might be a good time to review the media's performance there. Don't ask Tom Brokaw. His and his network's lips are sealed after the extremely large settlement. The blog Protein Wisdom has a long and richly linked piece on the media and Iraq. Hint: Blackfive, staffed and mostly read by vets, recommended it. So reporters probably won't like it. I think I can work Skube in here, somehow. Like, maybe PW's Karl is a submission for the blogger journalism list to go to the LAT. Puts it all together. Posted by: Richard Aubrey at August 29, 2007 10:08 PM | Permalink |